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Tisha B'Av Shiurim

We are pleased to share the recording of two interesting and meaningful shiurim that Ematai livestreamed on Tisha B’Av this year.

Rabbi Dr. Shlomo Brody, the executive director of Ematai, spoke on “Kinnot of Persecution & Their Halakhic Implications for End-of-Life Decision Making.”

Rabbi Dr. Jason Weiner, senior consultant at Ematai and senior rabbi at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center in Los Angeles, spoke on “Cremation in Halakha: A Chaplain’s Perspective.”

Video Information:

Rabbi Brody: 0:11-45:03

Rabbi Weiner: 45:03 – 1:57:35

Please feel free to contact us with any questions about these shiurim or to schedule an online shiur for your community.

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